Thursday, June 5, 2014

What is love?

Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind.
-by William Shakespeare

      Can love be defined? Actually, love is unexplainable. Everyone has his or her own definition of love. For me, love is…
       Love is human’s nature. It is also an ability. Because of love, people always help each other. Undoubtedly, love makes people’s life and this world better. Also, love is a kind of belief. Human can’t live without love in this world because love is the origin of happiness. For example, some love to dance or sing, and some love to read or travel. Human believe love. They can get happiness by doing those things.

        Love, to some degree, is one's responsibility and obligation. For example, if you love a person, you should take good care of her or him. If you love one thing, you should cherish it. Treasure what you love is not only for them but also for you to get everlasting happiness. Also, people should be responsible for their own love.

        Sometimes, there is no logical in love. Love is unconditional and blind. Some people will do all they can to keep their love without reason. However, when the love you choose is wrong, it's a disaster. On the contrary, when the love you choose is right, it's beautiful and wonderful.

        Finally, love gives power. It makes human stronger. The power of love braces our hearts when we confront challenges. It also lights up our lives during difficult times. Moreover, love can change anything even when a person is plunged into an abyss of despair. Love’s power is so influential that it makes this world more peaceful. Without love, a person’s life is going to be in ruins.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Reading: Jane Eyre

Jane Eyre has no parents, and she is raised by her heartless aunt when she is young. One day, Jane has a fight with her bad cousin, and her aunt confines her in the red-room where Jane’s uncle died. In the dark room, Jane is so scared and believes she sees a ghost. Shaking with fear, Jane shrieks and loses consciousness. After she is awake, there is a doctor beside her. He suggests to her aunt that Jane be sent away to school, and her aunt agrees. Jane is so delightful that she can escape from the cruel treatment and miserable childhood because what she searches after is the freedom.

However, her unhappy childhood does not come to an end. At the Lowood School, the school’s headmaster is inhuman, selfish, and evil. As a result, Jane did not lead a wonderful school life. And what is even worse, a massive epidemic breaks out at Lowood. Unfortunately, her nice friend, Helen, dies of consumption.

Jane spends many years at Lowood; she becomes a teacher and teaches a French girl. At Thornfield, she gradually falls in love with her employer named Rochester. Rochester proposes to Jane, and she accepts. However, there is a story behind Rochester that Jane does not know. On the wedding day, a man claims that Rochester has married a woman named Bertha. Rochester says that Bertha is insane and has gone mad, so he did not her as his wife. After hearing that, Jane is very surprising. She considers she can not be with Rochester, so she leaves him and flees Thornfield.

Up to now, Jane’s life is full of disadvantages. She is forced to sleep outdoors and beg for food. Fortunately, three siblings let her live with them. One of her cousins, St.John Rivers, provides Jane with a teaching job. St.John decides to travel to India as a preacher, he urges Jane to become his wife and stay with him. Although Jane agrees to travel with him, she refuses to marry her cousin. Because Jane can not forget the man she truly loves. After a long time, Jane goes back to Thornfield and finds that it has been burned by Bertha, and Rochester loses his eyesight and one of his hands.

In the end, Jane travels to Rochester’s new dwelling, Ferndean. When they were reunited, Jane decides to guide and help Rochester. Also, they rebuild their love and soon get married at Ferndean. After two years, Rochester regains sight and is able to watch his first son.

In this story, Jane maintains her dignity even though she receives cruel treatment. She longs for the freedom since her early childhood. She desires happiness and struggles to find a balance between love and freedom. When the story comes to an end, Jane pursues her true self and finally finds a man she loves.

Friday, April 4, 2014

My favorite dish in Taiwan

        When it comes to Taiwanese cuisine, stinky tofu is undoubtedly my favorite dish. People either love or hate it because of the bad smell. Westerners even list stinky tofu as one of the most notorious Taiwanese food. On the contrary, I consider that stinky tofu is a delicious dish, and its smell is aromatic.

        Crispy outside and tender inside, stinky tofu is juicy. In addition, it is usually served in a palatable sauce. Once you eat this dish, you will not easily forget its distinctive flavors. I often buy stinky tofu which is usually sold by the street vendors in the night market; however, many stinky tofu places can also be found in the rural regions and towns. You may smell the strong odor and find these vendors from a distance.

        Actually, stinky tofu is not very difficult to make. The traditional method for producing this dish is to prepare in brine made from fermented ingredients, such as dried shrimp, bamboo shoots, and Chinese herbs. It is commonly prepared by deep fried and cut into bite-sized quarters. Here is a website shows you how to make stinky tofu by yourself: Furthermore, this dish is usually severed with pickled cabbage. For me, pickled cabbage is a requisite for this dish because it tastes sour, sweet, and delicious.

        In brief, I love stinky tofu very much because of its special flavor. Whenever I think of this dish, it always makes my mouth water. Stinky tofu is one of the most well-known dishes in Taiwan, and it is also popular in Taiwan’s night markets. I hope more foreigners could try eating this dish because it is not as unpalatable as all that was said about it.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Dogs and cats

Dogs and cats are the most popular pets in the world. People often keep them for companionship because they can improve one's mood, reduce stress, and make an owner's life colorful. No matter how lonely you are, pets will always be there for you.
Do you know what is the difference between dogs and cats?

  1. Cats are clean, and do not require too much attention. 
  2. Cats are loners and more independent. They love to spend a lot of time alone.
  3. They are agile and can move fast.
  4. Cats have excellent night vision, which is even superior to dog’s night vision.
  5. The basic way that a cat communicates is that it purrs when it is happy.
  6. When seeing intruders, cats just run away.

        Some people dislike cats on account of an allergic reaction to cats or because of a fear of infection from a cat bite or scratch.

  1. Dogs are obedient and faithful. However, they require more attention.
  2. They bark and wiggle their tails when they are happy.
  3. Dogs love to exercise. They need a lot of space to run around.
  4. Dos's sense of smell is much better that a human's or a cat's.
  5. They are more affectionate towards their owners when compared to cats.
  6. Dogs will scare away intruders.
        Dog's owners have to clean dogs regularly and daily walks are a must. Some people dislike dogs because it is demanding to take care of them. Also, it takes time and costs more money to keep dogs as pets.

It is said that whichever pet you choose can say a lot about your personality.
Here is an interesting video. 
Which do you like, cats or dogs?
Have a look at it. ◕∀◕

Friday, February 28, 2014

Let It Go

Are you feel tired, frustrated, depressed, or unhappy?  
Do you know what is worth fighting for?
Do too many things or works weigh you down and take your breath away?

        Stop thinking trivial things for a moment, and relax yourself. Do not let troubles occupy your mind. Just let it go and listen to music!

        Last Thursday night, one of my roommates shared a Taiwanese song from YouTube with me. Actually, it was originally an English song from a movie “Frozen.” However, a man not only rewrote this song but also sang it in Taiwanese. I almost laughed myself to death after hearing this song because it was really funny and creative. Staying in the dormitory, my roommate and I sang with great enjoyment. Music gave us release from tiredness and pressure. Right now, I will share this Taiwanese song!

Friday, February 14, 2014

“A life without a friend is a life without sun.”

To my friends:

        Without you, my life would not be colorful and wonderful. You are willing to share something great with me. And I have received a lot of encouragement from you when I have difficulties. You are always there for me. I am so glad that I have considerate friends like you. I sincerely hope you will have an interesting life and everything is okay. Wish you every happiness! J

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Fitzroy garden


        Last Sunday, I went to Fitzroy garden which was located in Xizhou (溪洲) Township, Changhua County. Xizhou is my hometown, and therefore it took me no longer than ten minutes to get there from my home. On that day, the garden was packed with many tourists. In this garden, there were many kinds of beautiful flowers and some attractive buildings. It was so wonderful that flowerbeds were interspersed everywhere, and clusters of flowers made this garden colorful. Wandering around this very wide park, I can see butterflies flitting from flowers to flowers. Everyone enjoyed viewing the beauty of flowers leisurely, and children were playing around the amusement facilities joyfully. Moreover, those who were tired of walking could take the “small-sized train” to have a look at all the flowers in the park. All in all, Fitzroy garden was an appealing tourist attraction. It has been a worthwhile trip.

        Actually, my hometown holds a flower festival in this park every year, and it is free to get into it. If you do not know where to go this winter vacation, why don’t you choose Fitzroy garden?