Dogs and cats are the most popular pets in the world. People often keep them for companionship because they can improve one's mood, reduce stress, and make an owner's life colorful. No matter how lonely you are, pets will always be there for you.
Do you know what is the difference between dogs and cats?
- Cats are clean, and do not require too much attention.
- Cats are loners and more independent. They love to spend a lot of time alone.
- They are agile and can move fast.
- Cats have excellent night vision, which is even superior to dog’s night vision.
- The basic way that a cat communicates is that it purrs when it is happy.
- When seeing intruders, cats just run away.
Some people dislike cats on account of an allergic reaction to cats or because of a fear of infection from a cat bite or scratch.
- Dogs are obedient and faithful. However, they require more attention.
- They bark and wiggle their tails when they are happy.
- Dogs love to exercise. They need a lot of space to run around.
- Dos's sense of smell is much better that a human's or a cat's.
- They are more affectionate towards their owners when compared to cats.
- Dogs will scare away intruders.
Dog's owners have to clean dogs regularly and daily walks are a must. Some people dislike dogs because it is demanding to take care of them. Also, it takes time and costs more money to keep dogs as pets.
It is said that whichever pet you choose can say a lot about your personality.
Here is an interesting video.
Which do you like, cats or dogs?
Have a look at it. ◕∀◕